
Środa, P., 2017. Crustal Structure, Seismic Anisotropy and Deformations of the Ediacaran/Cambrian of the Małopolska Block in SE Poland Based on Data from Two Seismic Wide-Angle Experiments, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 10.1007/s00024-017-1505-2 (PDF)

Alasonati Tasarová, Z., Fullea, J., Bielik, M., Środa, P. , 2016. Lithospheric structure of Central Europe: puzzle pieces from Pannonian Basin to Trans-European Suture Zone resolved by geophysical-petrological modelling. Tectonics, 10.1002/2015TC003935 (PDF)

Janik, T., Środa, P. , Czuba, W., Lysynchuk D., 2016. Various Approaches to Forward and Inverse Wide-Angle Seismic Modelling Tested on Data from DOBRE-4 Experiment, Acta Geophysica, 64, 1989-2019, 10.1515/acgeo-2016-0084 (PDF)

Starostenko, V., T. Janik, R. Stephenson, D. Gryn, O. Rusakov, W. Czuba, P. Środa, M. Grad, A. Guterch, E. Flüh, H. Thybo, I. Artemieva, A. Tolkunov, G. Sydorenko, D. Lysynchuk, V. Omelchenko, K. Kolomiyets, O. Legostaeva, A. Dannowski, A. Shulgin, 2016. DOBRE-2 WARR profile: the Earth's upper crust across Crimea between the Azov Massif and the northeastern Black Sea. In: Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Black Sea and Caucasus, Sosson, M., Stephenson, R.A., Adamia, S. A. (eds) Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Black Sea and Caucasus. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 428, (PDF)

Malinowski M., A. Guterch, M. Narkiewicz, Z. Petecki, T. Janik, Środa, P., A. Maksym, J. Probulski, M. Grad, W. Czuba, E. Gaczyński, M. Majdański, L. Jankowski., 2015. Geophysical constraints on the crustal structure of the East European Platform margin and its foreland based on the POLCRUST-01 deep reflection seismic profile. Tectonophysics, 653, 109-126, (PDF)

Starostenko, V., Janik, T., Yegorova, T., Farfuliak, L., Czuba, W., Środa, P., Thybo, H., Artiemieva, I., Sosson, M., Volfman Y., Kolomiyets, K., Lysynchuk, D., Omelchenko, V., Gryn, D., Guterch, A., Komminaho, K., Legostaeva, O., Tiira, T., Tolkunov, A., 2015. Seismic model of the crust and upper mantle in the Scythian Platform: the DOBRE-5 profile across the Northwestern Black Sea and the Crimean Peninsula. Geophysical Journal International, 201 (1): 406-428, doi:10.1093/gji/ggv018 (PDF)

Hrubcová, P., Środa, P., 2015. Complex local Moho topography in the Western Carpathians: Indication of the ALCAPA and the European Plate contact, Tectonophysics, 638, 63-81, (PDF)

Janik, T., Grad, M., Guterch, A., Środa, P., 2014. The deep seismic structure of the Earth's crust along the Antarctic Peninsula—A summary of the results from Polish geodynamical expeditions, Glob. Planet. Change, (PDF)

Narkiewicz, M., Maksym, A., Malinowski, M., Grad, M., Guterch, A., Petecki, Z., Probulski, J., Janik, T., Majdański, M., Środa, P., Czuba, W., Gaczyński, E., Jankowski, L., 2014, Transcurrent nature of the Teisseyre–Tornquist Zone in Central Europe: results of the POLCRUST-01 deep reflection seismic profile, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 12/2014, doi:10.1007/s00531-014-1116-4. (PDF)

Kuo-Chen, H., Środa, P., Wu, F., Wang, C.-Y., Kuo, W., 2013. Seismic anisotropy of the upper crust in the mountain ranges of Taiwan from the TAIGER explosion experiment, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Journal 24 (6), doi: 10.3319/TAO.2013.07.30.01(T) (PDF)

Starostenko, V., T. Janik, D. Lysynchuk, Środa, P., W. Czuba, K. Kolomiyets, P. Aleksandrowski, O. Gintov,V. Omelchenko, K. Komminaho, A. Guterch, T. Tiira, D. Gryn, O. Legostaeva, H. Thybo, A. Tolkunov, 2013. Mesozoic(?) lithosphere-scale buckling of the East European Craton in southern Ukraine: DOBRE-4 deep seismic profile, Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt292 (PDF)

Malinowski, M., A. Guterch, M. Narkiewicz, J. Probulski, A. Maksym, M. Majdański, Środa, P., W. Czuba, E. Gaczyński, M. Grad, T. Janik, L. Jankowski, A. Adamczyk, 2013. Deep seismic reflection profile in Central Europe reveals complex pattern of Paleozoic and Alpine accretion at the East European Craton margin, Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/grl.50746 (PDF)

Starostenko, V., T. Janik, K. Kolomiyets, W. Czuba, Środa, P., M. Grad, I. Kovács, R. Stephenson, D. Lysynchuk, H. Thybo, I.M.  Artemieva, V. Omelchenko, O. Gintov, R. Kutas, D. Gryn, A. Guterch, E. Hegedűs, K. Komminaho, O. Legostaeva, T. Tiira, A. Tolkunov, 2013. Seismic velocity model of the crust and upper mantle along profile PANCAKE across the Carpathians between the Pannonian Basin and the East European Craton, Tectonophysics,doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2013.07.008 (PDF)

Hrubcová, P., Środa, P., Vavryčuk, V., Babuška, V., Grad, M., 2013. Comment on the seismic method Depth-Recursive Tomography on Grid (DRTG) developed by Miroslav Novotný and recently published in three papers in Surveys in Geophysics, Surveys in Geophysics, 34 (4), 521-529, doi:10.111/j.1365-246X.2010.04766.x (PDF)

Janik T., Grad M., Guterch A., and Środa P. , 2013, Crustal Structure and Moho Depth along the Antarctic Peninsula [In]: The Scotia Arc: Geodynamic Evolution And Global Implications, Lobo, F.J., Pérez, L.F. & Martos, Y.M. (eds.), Instituto Andaluz De Ciencias De La Tierra, Armilla (Granada), SPAIN, Abstract volume, pp. 69-70. (PDF)

Hrubcová P., Środa, P., Grad, M., Geissler, W. H., Guterch, A., Vozár, J., Hegedűs, E. and SUDETES 2003 Working Group, 2010. From the Variscan to the Alpine Orogeny: crustal structure of the Bohemian Massif and the Western Carpathians in the light of the SUDETES 2003 seismic data, Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04766.x (PDF)

Środa, P.
, 2010. The bright spot in the West Carpathian upper mantle: a trace of the Tertiary plate collision - and a caveat for a seismologist, Geophysical Journal International, 182, 1-10, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04595.x. (PDF)

Malinowski, M., Środa, P., Grad, M., Guterch, A., and CELEBRATION 2000 Working Group, 2009. Testing robust inversion strategies for three-dimensional Moho topography based on CELEBRATION 2000 data, Geophysical Journal International, 179(2), 1093-1104. (PDF)

Hrubcová P., Środa, P. and CELEBRATION 2000 Working Group, 2008. Crustal structure at the easternmost termination of the Variscan belt based on CELEBRATION 2000 and ALP 2002 data, Tectonophysics, 460, 55-75. (PDF)

Czuba W., Grad M., Guterch A., Majdański M., Malinowski M., Mjelde R., Moskalik T., Środa P., Wilde-Piórko M. and Nishimura Y. 2008. Seismic crustal structure along the deep transect Horsted'05, Svalbard. Polish Polar Research, 29 (3), 279-290. (PDF)

Majdański, M., Środa, P., Malinowski, M., Czuba, W., Grad, M., Guterch, A. and  Hegedus, E., 2008. 3D seismic model of the uppermost crust of the Admiralty Bay area, King George Island. West Antarctica, Polish Polar Research, 29, (4), 303-319. (PDF)

Wilde-Piórko, M., Geissler, W.H., Plomerová, J., Grad, M., Babuška, V., Brückl, E., Cyziene, J., Czuba, W., England, R., Gaczyński, E., Gazdova, R., Gregersen, S., Guterch, A., Hanka, W., Hegedüs, E., Heuer, B., Jedlička, P., Lazuskiene, J., Keller, G.R., Kind, R., Klinge, K., Kolinsky, P., Komminaho, K., Kozlovskaya, E., Krüger, F., Larsen, T., Majdański, M., Málek, J., Motuza, G., Novotný, O., Pietrasiak, R., Plenefisch, Th., Růžek, B., Sliaupa, S., Środa, P., Świeczak, M., Tiira, T., Voss, P. and Wiejacz, P., 2008. PASSEQ 2006-2008: Passive Seismic Experiment in Trans-European Suture Zone, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 52, 439-448, doi: 10.1007/s11200-008-0030-2

Grad, M., Guterch, A., Czuba, W., Majdański, M., Malinowski, M. and Środa, P.,  2007. Struktura skorupy ziemskiej w strefie przejściowej od płyty antarktycznej do płyty Scotia. W: Sesja sprawozdawcza - projekt zamawiany PBZ-KBN-108/P04/2004 - Struktura, ewolucja i dynamika litosfery, kriosfery w europejskim sektorze Arktyki oraz w Antarktyce, Warszawa, 29-30 października 2007, pp 79-80.

Guterch, A., Grad, M., Czuba, W., Majdański, M., Malinowski, M., Środa, P. and Wilde-Piórko, M.,  2007. Nowe dane o strukturze i własnościach fizycznych skorupy ziemskiej na pograniczu Arktyki euroazjatyckiej i północno-amerykańskiej w rejonie Archipelagu Svalbard. W: Sesja sprawozdawcza - projekt zamawiany PBZ-KBN-108/P04/2004 - Struktura, ewolucja i dynamika litosfery, kriosfery w europejskim sektorze Arktyki oraz w Antarktyce, Warszawa, 29-30 października 2007, pp 40-42.

Środa, P., 2006. Seismic anisotropy of the upper crust in southeastern Poland - effect of the compressional deformation at the EEC margin: Results of CELEBRATION 2000 seismic data inversion, Geophysical Research Letters, 33 (22), L22302. (PDF)

Środa, P., Czuba, W., Grad, M., Guterch, A., Tokarski, A.K., Janik, T., Rauch, M., Keller, G. R., Hegedűs, E., Vozár, J. and CELEBRATION 2000 Working Group, 2006. Crustal and upper mantle structure of the Western Carpathians from  CELEBRATION 2000 profiles CEL01 and CEL04: seismic models and geological implications, Geophysical Journal International, 167(1), 737-760. (PDF)

Janik, T., Środa, P., Grad, M. and Guterch, A., 2006. Moho depth along the Antarctic Peninsula and crustal structure across the landward projection of the Hero Fracture Zone, in: Antarctica - Contributions to Global Earth Sciences, Proceedings of the IX International Symposium of Antarctic Earth Sciences Potsdam, 2003, edited by D. K. Fütterer, D. Damaske, G. Kleinshmidt, H. Miller and F. Tessensohn, pp. 229-236, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York. (PDF)

Averill, M.G., Keller, G.R., Miller, K.C., Środa, P., Bond, T. and Velasco, A.A., 2006. Data Fusion in Geophysics: Seismic Tomography and Crustal Structure in Poland as an Example. Geological Society of America Special Paper 397, Geoinformatics: Data to Knowledge, 397,  0, 153-168. (PDF)

Grad, M., Janik, T., Guterch, A., Środa, P., Czuba, W. and EUROBRIDGE'94-97, POLONAISE'97 and CELEBRATION 2000 Seismic Working Groups, 2006. Lithospheric structure of the western part of the East European Craton investigated by deep seismic profiles, Geological Quarterly, 50 (1), 9-22. (PDF)

Hrubcová, P., Środa, P., Špičák, A., Guterch, A., Grad, M., Keller, G. R., Brueckl, E., and Thybo, H., 2005. Crustal and uppermost mantle structure of the Bohemian Massif based on CELEBRATION 2000 data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, B11305, doi:10.1029/2004JB003080. (PDF)

Guterch, A., Grad, M., Malinowski, M., Środa, P., Czuba, W.,  Keller, G.R., Takács, E., Hegedüs, E., Fancsik, T., Kovács, A.C. (eksperyment i interpretacja geofizyczna), Śliwiński, Z., Antonowicz, L., Iwanowska E. (Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo S.A., interpretacja geologiczna), 2005. RAPORT Z REALIZACJI EKSPERYMENTU SEJSMICZNEGO GRUNDY 2003: Badania utworów permu i ich podłoża. (str. 21, 30 rys., 8 zał.). Instytut Geofizyki PAN, Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo S.A, 2005.

Grad M., Guterch, A., Janik, T. and Środa, P., 2004. Struktura litosfery Antarktyki Zachodniej: osiągnięte wyniki, plany na przyszłość (Lithospheric structure of the West Antarctica: results and future plans). Materiały XXX Międzynarodowego Sympozjum Polarnego, Gdynia 2004, Polish Polar Studies, 117-130.

Grad, M., Jensen, S.L.,  Keller, G.R., Guterch, A., Thybo, H., Janik, T.,  Tiira, T.,  Yliniemi, J., Luosto, U., Motuza, G., Nasedkin, V.,  Czuba, W., Gaczyński, E.,  Środa, P., Miller, K.C., Wilde-Piórko, M., Komminaho, K., Jacyna, J. and Korabliova, L., 2003. Crustal structure of the Trans-European suture zone region along POLONAISE'97 seismic profile P4, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 108, Nr B11, 2541, doi: 10.1029/2003JB002426. (PDF)

Środa, P., Czuba, W., Grad, M., Guterch, A., Gaczyński, E. and POLONAISE  Working Group, 2002. Three-dimensional seismic modelling of crustal structure in  the TESZ region based on POLONAISE'97 data, Tectonophysics, 360, 169-185. (PDF)

Środa, P., 2002. Semi 3-D Modelling of the Crustal Structure between the South Pacific and the Antarctic Peninsula. In: Gamble, J.A., Skinner, D.N.B.,  Henrys, S., (eds) Antarctica  at the close of a millennium. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Wellington, 1999. The Royal Society of  New Zealand Bulletin, 35, 555-561. (PDF)

Grad, M., Guterch, A., Janik, T. and Środa, P., 2002. Seismic characteristic of the crust in the transition zone from the Pacific Ocean to the northern Antarctic Peninsula, West Antarctica. In: Gamble, J.A., Skinner, D.N.B.,  Henrys, S., (eds), Antarctica at the close of a millennium. Royal Society of New Zealand Bulletin, 35, 93-498. (PDF)

Środa, P., 2001. Three-dimensional modelling of the crustal structure in the contact zone between Antarctic Peninsula and South Pacific from seismic data, Polish Polar Research, 22, 129-146. 

Środa, P., 2001, 3-D modelling of the crustal structure in the contact zone between Antarctic Peninsula and South Pacific from seismic data, Instytut Geofizyki PAN, Warszawa, Ph.D thesis.

Środa, P., 2000. Three-dimensional seismic modelling of the Earth's crust structure in West Antarctica, Annual Report 2000, Polish Academy of Sciences, 72-73, Warszawa.

Środa, P., 2000. Trójwymiarowe modelowanie sejsmiczne struktury skorupy ziemskiej w Antarktyce Zachodniej, Działalność Naukowa PAN, 9/2000, 173-174, Warszawa.

Jokat, W., Czuba, W., Dzewas, J., Ehrhardt, A., Gierlichs, A., Kühn, D., Martens, H., Lenach, N., Nicolaus, M., Nishimura, Y., Ritzmann, O., Schmidt-Aursch, M., Środa, P. and Wildeboer-Schut, E., 2000. The Expedition ARKTIS - XV / 2 of Polarstern in 1999. Marine Geophysics. Berichte zur Polarforschung, Reports on Polar Research, Bremerhaven, Germany, No. 386, pp. 8-26.

Środa, P. and POLONAISE Working Group. 1999. P and S wave velocity model of the southwestern margin of the Precambrian East European Craton, POLONAISE'97, profile P3. Tectonophysics, 314(1-3), 175-192. (PDF)

Grad, M., Janik, T., Yliniemi, J., Guterch, A., Luosto, U., Komminaho, K., Środa, P., Hoing, K., Makris, J. and Lund, C.E. 1999. Crustal structure of the Mid Polish Trough beneath TTZ seismic profile. Tectonophysics, 314(1-3), 145-160. (PDF)

Guterch, A., Grad, M., Janik, T. and Środa, P.,  1998. Polish Geodynamic Expeditions - seismic structure of West Antarctica, Polish Polar Research, 19(1-2), 113-129.

Środa, P., Grad, M. and Guterch, A.,  1997. Seismic models of the Earth's crustal structure between the South Pacific and the Antarctic Peninsula. In: The Antarctic Region: Geological Evolution and Processes, Ricci, C.A. (ed), Terra Antarctica Publication,  685-689.

Grad M., Guterch A., Janik T. and Środa P., 1997. Seismic structure of the lithosphere in West Antarctica. In: P. Głowacki (Ed.) Polish Polar Studies. 24th Polar Symposium, Warszawa 1997. Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, 111-114.

Makris, J., Höing, K., Guterch, A., Janik, T. and Środa, P., 1995. The structure of the crust and lithosphere along the Tornquist-Teisseyre Zone in Poland, Publs. of Hamburg University, Hamburg.

Środa P., 1994. Seismic modelling of the Earth's crust structure in the area of the Adelaide Island and Palmer Archipelago, West Antarctica, Publs. of  the XXI Polar Symposium, Warszawa, 81-86.

Grad, M., Guterch, A., Janik, T. and Środa, P., 1993. 2-D seismic models of the lithosphere in the area of the Bransfield Strait, West Antarctica, Polish Polar Research, 14(2), 123-151.

Grad, M., Guterch, A. and Środa, P., 1992. Upper crustal structure of Deception Island area, Bransfield Strait, West Antarctica, Antarctic Science, 4(4), 469-476. (PDF)

As a member of a working group:

Traces of the crustal units and the upper-mantle structure in the southwestern part of the East European Craton, 2014, Janutyte, I., E. Kozlovskaya, M. Majdanski, P. H. Voss, M. Budraitis, and PASSEQWorking Group (incl. P. Środa), Solid Earth, 5, 821-836, doi:10.5194/se-5-821-2014

Grad, M., Tiira, T., and ESC Working Group (incl. P. Środa), 2009. The Moho depth map of the European Plate, Geophys. J. Int., 176, 279-292, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03919.x.

Grad M., E. Brückl, M. Majdański, M. Behm, A. Guterch and CELEBRATION 2000 and ALP 2002 Working Groups (incl. P. Środa), 2009. Crustal structure of the Eastern Alps and their foreland: seismic model beneath the CEL10/Alp04 profile and tectonic implications, Geophys. J. Int., 177, 279-295

Janik, T., Grad, M., Guterch, A. and CELEBRATION 2000 Working Group (incl. P. Środa),, 2009. Seismic structure of the lithosphere between the East European Craton and the Carpathians from the net of CELEBRATION 2000 profiles in SE Poland, Geological Quarterly, 53 (1), 141-158.

Malinowski, M., Grad, M., Guterch, A. and CELEBRATION 2000 Working Group (incl. P. Środa), 2008, Three-dimensional seismic modelling of the crustal structure between East European Craton and the Carpathian Mts. in SE Poland based on CELEBRATION 2000 data, Geophys. J. Int., 173, 546-565, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03742.x

Grad, M., Guterch, A., Keller, G. R. and POLONAISE'97 and CELEBRATION 2000 Working Groups (incl. P. Środa), 2007. Variations in lithospheric structure across the margin of Baltica in Central Europe and the role of the Variscan and Carpathian orogenies, Geological Society of America Memoirs, 200, 341-356.

Behm, M., Brückl, E., Mitterbauer, U., CELEBRATION 2000 and ALP 2002 Working Groups (incl. P. Środa),  2007. A new seismic model of the Eastern Alps and its relevance for Geodesy and Geodynamics, VGI Österreichische Zeitschrift Für Vermessung & Geoinformation, 2, 121-133.

Brückl, E., Behm, M., Chwatal, W., Mitterbauer, U. and CELEBRATION 2000 & ALP 2002 & ALPASS Working Groups (incl. P. Środa),  2007. Erkenntnisse über den Tiefbau der Ostalpen aus neuen seismischen Großexperimenten, Beiträge Zur Geologie Oberösterreichs, Arbeitstagung 2007 GBA, 143-150.

Majdanski, M., Grad, M., Guterch, A. and SUDETES 2003 Working Group (incl. P. Środa), 2006. 2-D seismic tomographic and ray tracing modelling of the crustal structure across the Sudetes Mountains basing on SUDETES 2003 experiment data, Tectonophysics, 413, 249-269.

Bogdanova, S., Gorbatschev, R., Grad, M., Janik, T., Guterch, A., Kozlovskaya, E., Motuza, G., Skridlaite, G., Starostenko, V., Taran, L., EUROBRIDGE and POLONAISE WORKING GROUPS,  2006. EUROBRIDGE: new insight into the geodynamic evolution of the East European Craton. In: European Litosphere Dynamics, Gee, D.G., Stephenson, R.A. (eds.), Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 32, 313-322.

Janik, T., Grad, M., Guterch, A., Dadlez, R., Yliniemi, J., Tiira, T., Keller, G.R.,  Gaczyński, E., and CELEBRATION 2000 Working Group (incl. P. Środa), 2005. Lithospheric structure of the Trans-European Suture Zone along the TTZ & CEL03 seismic profiles (from NW to SE Poland), Tectonophysics, 411, 129-155.

M. Malinowski, A. Żelaźniewicz, M. Grad, A. Guterch, T. Janik, CELEBRATION 2000 Working Group (incl. P. Środa), 2005. Seismic and geological structure of the crust in the transition from Baltica to Palaeozoic Europe in SE Poland - CELEBRATION 2000 Experiment, profile CEL02, Tectonophysics, 401 (1-2), 55-77.

Brückl, E., Behm, M., CELEBRATION 2000 & ALP2002 Working Group (incl. P. Środa), 2005. Ein neues seismisches Modell der Ostalpen und seine Bedeutung für die Geothermieforschung. Österreichischer Wasser und Abfallwirtschafts-Verband - Geothermieforum, 2005, 9-10 März, Graz.

Guterch, A., Grad, M., Keller, G.R. and POLONAISE'97, CELEBRATION 2002, ALP 2002 (incl. P. Środa), SUDETES 2003  Working Groups, 2004. Huge contrasts of the lithospheric structure revealed by new generation seismic experiments in Central Europe. Przegląd Geologiczny, Special issue to 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence - Italy, August 2004, 52, 8/2, 753-760.

A. Guterch, M. Grad, A. Spičak, E. Brueckl, E. Hegedus, G.R. Keller, H. Thybo and CELEBRATION 2000, ALP 2002, SUDETES 2003 Working Groups (incl. P. Środa), 2003. An Overview of Recent Seismic Refraction Experiments in Central Europe, Stud. Geophys. Geod., 47, 651-657.

M. Grad, A. Spicak, G.R. Keller, A. Guterch, M. Broz, E. Hegedus and Working Group (incl. P. Środa), 2003. SUDETES 2003 Seismic Experiment, Stud. Geophys. Geod., 47, 681-689.

A. Guterch, M. Grad, G.R. Keller, K. Posgay, J. Vozar, A. Spicak, E. Brueckl, Z. Hajnal, H. Thybo, O. Selvi and CELEBRATION 2000 Experiment Team (incl. P. Środa), 2003. CELEBRATION 2000 Seismic Experiment, Stud. Geophys. Geod., 47, 659-669.

Jensen, S.L., Thybo, H. and POLONAISE'97 Working Group (incl. P. Środa),  2002. Moho topography and lower crustal wide-angle reflectivity around the TESZ in southern Scandinavia and northeastern Europe. Tectonophysics, 360 (1-4), 187-213.

Grad, M., Keller, G.R., Thybo, H., Guterch, A. and POLONAISE Working Group (incl. P. Środa),  2002. Lower lithospheric structure beneath the Trans-European Suture Zone from POLONAISE'97 seismic profiles. Tectonophysics, 360 (1-4), 153-168.

Czuba, W., Grad, M., Luosto, U., Motuza, G., Nasedkin, V. and POLONAISE P5 Working Group (incl. P. Środa), 2002. Upper crustal seismic structure of the Mazury complex and Mazowsze massif within the East European Craton in NE Poland. Tectonophysics, 360, 115-128.

Krysiński L., Grad M., and POLONAISE Working Group (incl. P. Środa), 2000. POLONAISE'97 -  Seismic and Gravimetric Modelling of the Crustal Structure in the Polish Basin. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 25, 4, pp. 355-363, 2000.

Guterch, A., Grad, M., Thybo. H., Keller, R. G. and the POLONAISE Working Group (incl. P. Środa), 1999. POLONAISE'97 - an international seismic experiment between Precambrian and Variscan Europe in Poland. Tectonophysics, 314, 101-121.